It’s that time of year again. I’ve been working with Content Marketing World for the past 3 years to help promote the conference by creating something called “Conference eBooks”. The way it works is, we research and connect with certain speakers that will be presenting at the conference and invite them to contribute a sample […]
Content Marketing eBook – 36 Tips from Rock Star Brands & Marketers
We just published this year’s Content Marketing World eBook featuring a sampling of speakers who will be presenting this year, September 9-12 in Cleveland, OH – the home of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. With that context, what better theme for a conference eBook that “Rock and Roll”? We interviewed 36 speakers to […]
New Presentation: The Future of Content
Last week I had the priveledge of giving a new presentation on the Future of Content for the Minnesota Interactive Marketing Association. MIMA is the largest interactive marketing group in the country and for this presentation, over 300 people registered. During the presentation I answered 3 key questions: What is content (really)? How are content […]
Optimize Conferences: 10 Killer Ways to Become a Conference Content Machine
For many professionals, speaking at conferences is a single means to an end – create awareness about your expertise and attract inquiries. To me, that singular view can be productive, but misses a tremendous amount of value that can be gained from conference speaking, especially where the audience includes people in your target market or […]
4 Quick Tips For Optimizing Across the Sales Cycle
An editorial plan inspired by customer segment information and even buying cycle characteristics for those customer groups can be very helpful for great content optimization and social media promotion. Knowing when and why prospects use search engines helps content marketers decide what types of content, media and keywords to use. Using web analytics, conversion data, […]
Download: Optimize Templates for Keyword Glossary & Editorial Plan
There are two workhorses in the optimize toolkit that are essential for effective online marketing. A keyword glossary template and an editorial plan template. Basic management of keywords keeps content marketing efforts on track with topics and keywords that matter to customers. They help manage the mapping of keywords to content so content assets don’t […]
PPT: Convergence of SEO, Social Media & Content Marketing
At SES Accelerator in San Diego, I gave a presentation to a packed room as you can see. It was chock full of great advice and as a thank you to those who visit and who attended the session, I’ve embedded the presentation below. So many marketers are focused on SEO tactics but the […]
Article: Optimized Content Marketing
Entering the content marketing space is not for the faint of heart. It can be a significant undertaking both in terms of resources and a change in the organization’s approach to marketing and sales. In order to take full advantage of the significant search visibility opportunities that are available with a content focused marketing effort, […]